Sunday, September 12, 2021

Psalm as Mantra

Psalm 19:14

Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight,  O Lord, my strength and my redeemer.





If I were to pick a tagline or mantra for this blog the above would be it.  I was first introduced to this on a regular basis when the First Female Episcopal Priest in Maryland was in her Transitional Diaconate at my home parish St. Bartholomew’s Baltimore.  She used it to open every sermon she preached. I hadn’t at the time fully digested it’s meaning but at that point I liked it.  Since that time, I have used it before speaking at a Daughters of the King retreat and occasionally at other church related functions.  It always beckons me back to those teen years and that huge shift for women.

I didn’t realize as a teen how important the word meditation would become for me. That I would become a Meditation and Yoga Therapist. I didn’t understand that this would be one of my lifelong Mantras or what a mantra even was. But yet here I am remembering again today. 

Sometimes our words can be unacceptable.  Sometimes we can be reactive as discussed last week.  But keeping this as mantra front and center I hope to always be responsive, calm, and happy. Either way I know that I am forgiven and that gives me hope.  This feeling of either way also brings me closer to God.  Strive for the good, even if all that presents is not good.  This week surely has much of that for all of us in the United States.

Twenty years ago this week I was a senior at Berry College.  I didn’t/couldn’t watch TV. I was intentionally out of that loop. In the afternoon I went to Berry Singers rehearsal where in one 75-minute session we prepared a mass that was presented at a memorial service that evening.  Many students walked out as those of other faiths spoke.  The wound was raw, some were reactive, many stayed. There were rough times following this event, there are still rough times today.  But through all of this we are forgiven, we are hopeful, we are good, and we are not. We are acceptable. We are all one.


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